‘Life After Beth’ Movie Review



Published July 17, 2014


Life After Beth-About 30 minutes in the movie, without prior knowledge that Life After Beth is a “zombie romantic comedy” (think last year’s Warm Bodies) one would think that director Jeff Baena is about to deliver another smart movie like what he did in I Heart Huckabees. Zach (Dane DeHaan) is mourning his girlfriend’s death, Beth (Aubrey Plaza). However within a couple of days after the burial, she unexpectedly comes back to life without remembering her demise.

The story unfolds as Zach discovers more about the truth with Beth, yet clinging on to the fact that they were in love (it’s a rom-com after all) but one couldn’t help but think if the director is trying to make us care for the characters or simply laugh at their absurd demise. It is still a zombie flick after all.

The movie had a lot of genuinely funny moments, like when Anna Kendrick’s character came in as the typical white girl next door, and Plaza’s unwavering commitment to her role. If you like light-hearted romantic comedies with witty characters and quite some blood, then this is something to check out. Just don’t expect a full on zombie apocalypse.

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