‘Magic Mike XXL’ Stars Matt Bomer, Channing Tatum + Joe Manganiello Cover Entertainment Weekly

The Fashionisto


Published June 18, 2015

Magic Mike XXL stars Matt Bomer, Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello cover the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.Pin
Magic Mike XXL stars Matt Bomer, Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello cover the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Entertainment Weekly puts the spotlight on Magic Mike XXL with its latest cover story. In promotional images from the movie, Matt bomer, Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello pose shirtless in jeans with studded belts. Talking about reuniting for the sequel, Bomer shares, “I think anytime you want to form a rock solid ensemble, make everybody get naked. Instant trust happens.” Tatum adds, “I’ll forever be able to see them across the room and be like ‘You!’ [Points across the table] If ever sh-t goes down, I know who’s willing to go hard—no pun intended.” Read more at EW.com.

Matt Bomer performs a strip routine clad in black.Pin
Matt Bomer performs a strip routine clad in black.

Magic Mike XXL Movie Pictures

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