#BEanICON: Shuhei Nishiguchi, Justin O’Shea & André Saraiva for Mango Campaign

The Fashionisto


Published October 3, 2019


Updated February 9, 2023

Graffiti artist André Saraiva stars in Mango's fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.Pin
Graffiti artist André Saraiva stars in Mango’s fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.

Mango launches a new fall 2019 campaign with the premise that your personality is the best fashion trend to embrace. Looking to the world of fashion and art, Mango taps graffiti artist André Saraiva, designer Justin O’Shea, and fashion director Shuhei Nishiguchi to front the outing. Dan Martensen photographs the trio for the occasion. Whether wearing a suit or a pair of jeans, the men showcase how they easily bring their own personal flair to Mango’s timeless fashions.

Related: Shared Moments | Hugo Sauzay & Mathias Lauridsen Join Mango for Fall ’19 Campaign

Mango Fall 2019 #BEanICON Campaign

Designer Justin O'Shea appears in Mango's fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.Pin
Designer Justin O’Shea appears in Mango’s fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.
Fashion director Shuhei Nishiguchi is a chic vision for Mango's fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.Pin
Fashion director Shuhei Nishiguchi is a chic vision for Mango’s fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.
Andre Saraiva 2019 Mango Man Campaign 002Pin
André Saraiva is front and center for Mango’s fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.
Taking to the boxing ring, Justin O'Shea fronts Mango's fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.Pin
Taking to the boxing ring, Justin O’Shea fronts Mango’s fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.
Taking to the streets of Tokyo, Shuhei Nishiguchi appears in Mango's fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.Pin
Taking to the streets of Tokyo, Shuhei Nishiguchi appears in Mango’s fall 2019 #BEanICON campaign.

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