Mercedes-Benz CLA #Untamed.

The Fashionisto


Published March 4, 2013

#Untamed. A Digital Photo Installation–Celebrating their new CLA series, Mercedes-Benz is putting together a digital photo exhibition to be revealed in Paris next month. A unique digital photo installation, #Untamed is a collection of unusual Instagram photos captured worldwide. Dreamed up by creative agency Jung von Matt / Alster, the campaign’s philosophy is “The natural enemy of the average” or “Nature’s answer to commodity.” An impressive showing of photos from an international audience of art aficionados, details of the individual translate a fragment of each participant’s real life. With each photo earning an #Untamed score, each score reveals how different each individual’s style is from all other participants. Ready for continuous change, the final installation will showcase rotating photos. Joining the party, everyone is invited to share their own photos by sharing Instagram photos via the website PanEuro MercBenz CLADaimlerAG AdVICE Fashionisto Advertorial

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