Model of the Month | Marcel Castenmiller Interview–Part I

The Fashionisto


Published May 13, 2010


Following our introduction of how Marcel Castenmiller began his career as a model, we dive into our first round of questions with the Canadian model to get the basics out of the way.

What was your first shoot?

Marcel: I think it was for an Asian magazine. I was late and I paid a taxi driver a twenty dollar bill to drive two avenues. I had taken the wrong subway train and ended up too far away from the original address. From there I went with the photographer to Central Park. I’m sure that story is very common in New York.

Your hair seems like it would be a prized possession. Would you cut it?

Marcel: I don’t know. I’ve never liked hair cuts, and so far it’s been working alright with the length. I bet it’ll stay at a certain length, not too long. So yes I guess that would mean I’ll get a cut done.

The inevitable question…how has modeling changed your life?

Marcel: Modeling has given me the chance to live in different cities. I feel that’s one of the most important things for me growing up. Living in a suburb for 19 years can really make you fall behind as a human being, I’m so happy to be in cities like Paris and New York and really feel everyday and live!

Are you aware of model followings…particularly yours?

Marcel: I’m aware. I don’t understand why people try to contact me online. I understand them being a fan, but I really wouldn’t keep in touch with someone I know nothing about or have never met in person.

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