Model to Watch | Berthold Rothas by Michael Epps

The Fashionisto


Published May 25, 2010


Updated May 22, 2019


With a fine selection of choice upcoming projects, if you do not know Fusion model Berthold Rothas already, you soon will in the next coming months. Keeping it real, while also delivering a sharp taste of sarcasm, Berthold opens up about modeling and boring life experiences that include getting chased by a drug addict, going to school for acting or almost shot at the Neverland Ranch.


This question must get old, but how did you get your start as a model?

Berthold Rothas: Long story – but I assume who is reading this has time anyway; so let’s start from the beginning.

Once upon a time there was some bored little kiddo named Berthold, who just finished school with the highest possible grades in Germany – the “Abitur”. Not knowing what to do with all that knowledge he rendered one year civilian service (instead of joining the army). While he was getting beat up by the kids in the youth center and wiping old people’s asses, he had enough time to think about his own future – and he wanted it to be anything but boring. That’s why he auditioned for an Acting School in Vienna – with success..


He moved to Vienna and a couple of weeks later he got signed by his mother agency BODY&SOUL. Having an acting education as a first priority he only did photoshoots every once in a while…

In July 2009 he was on an amazing road trip with his best friend through the US visiting almost every major city (including San Francisco, Las Vegas, LA, Miami, Chicago just to name a few..).

By the end of July they ended up in New York and he sat down with some of the agencies. One of them asked him to come back for Fashion Week in a month. So, he came back to for NYFW in September 2009 and after booking a couple of shows in his first season he spontaneously decided to f**k acting school in Vienna and he spent two more months in New York City.

The rest is history…


Where did you grow up?

Berthold Rothas: I was born in Resita, an old industrial town in Romania. My parents moved when I was little and I grew up in Germany.

Was New York a culture shock at first?

Berthold Rothas: I got chased by a crazy drug addict in San Francisco, crashed a rental car in Miami airport, went swimming with dolphins in Key West and almost got shot by the guards of Michael Jackson at his Neverland Ranch in California. All that happened in the days right before I got the first time to the Big Apple. Besides, I’m from f**king Germany. Nothing is a shock if you come from there.

I think that does answer the question…


Where did your last booking take you?

Berthold Rothas: Into the most beautiful place on earth. Everything was so white – I thought it was heaven.

If you were given the choice of doing exclusively runway or shoots, which would you choose?

Berthold Rothas: I don’t like this question. I think it’s stupid.



How many castings do you typically attend in a week?

Berthold Rothas: Another stupid question. Just kidding 😛

– this business is so unforeseeable that you can’t really give a number. If I check my mails there is usually every evening something there telling me what to do and where to be for the next day. And if not I’m lucky and have a day off. Then I usually go out and get f**ked.

Do you work out regularly?

Berthold Rothas: I signed a contract with myself to do so…


What is a typical fashion week like to you?

Berthold Rothas: A fashion week to me is exciting, sometimes painful, cruel and confusing, definitely tiring and exhausting, often crazy and chaotic but at the same time also rewarding and very inspirational. Every fashion week writes its own story and I guess is best described by those kind of days full of experiences – may they be good or bad – that you will never forget for the rest of your life.

Check back next week for PART II / Special thanks to Michael Epps for photos!

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8 thoughts on “Model to Watch | Berthold Rothas by Michael Epps”

  1. hahaha he is soooo funny. so true. if u come from a place like germany nothing shocks you.

  2. hahaha he is soooo funny. so true. if u come from a place like germany nothing shocks you.

  3. hahaha he is soooo funny. so true. if u come from a place like germany nothing shocks you.

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