Model to Watch | Micky Ayoub Exclusive

The Fashionisto


Published June 15, 2010


Nineteen year-old Mikhael Ayoub, also known as Micky is the latest Request model to stand out from the pack. Only modeling for the last four months, he has quickly appeared in a number of magazines, ranging from Interview to coveted British magazine 10 Men. However, Micky’s quick rise comes as no surprise, as Request has a knack for signing those rare gems. A Brazilian transplant, Micky is making a new life for himself in the Big Apple and was gracious enough to share his experience over the last couple months with us.


How were you discovered?

Micky Ayoub: My brother made me go to the open call.

How did you come to the decision to become a model?

Micky Ayoub: My brother talked me into going to the open call then I realized that it’s a really good gig.


Photo by Zackery Michael

Do you recall your first shoot?

Micky Ayoub: Yeah, I wasn’t even with Request yet and one of my brother’s friends was shooting Amber Rose and asked me to be in it and I was like of course I’ll do it and the shoot ended up being really cool.

What is your most memorable shoot to date?

Micky Ayoub: It was for this German magazine and I was covered in fake blood, it was crazy.


Photo by Char Alfonzo

So, how did you like wearing all that leather for the Asher Levine shoot? The hot pants?

Micky Ayoub: Yeah it was cool, the clothes are really sick and the hot pants, they were really tight.

On to the more casual questions…how did you get the name Micky?

Micky Ayoub: My mom has called me Micky since I can remember so I guess that.

How has your life changed in the last year?

Micky Ayoub: A lot, it’s crazy how much it has changed. I’ve been in New York for 8 months now, since then, something new or different has happened everyday.


Photo by Shannon Sinclair

Favorite color?

Micky Ayoub: Green.

Favorite food?

Micky Ayoub: Anything either Brazilian or Arabic.


Photo by Drew Jarrett

What music are you currently listening to?

Micky Ayoub: Nirvana, Ramones and old school rock like The Beatles, The Doors and I really like Lil Wayne too.

Are you into fashion? What is a typical outfit for you?

Micky Ayoub: I guess. Most of the clothes I [own], I have [made] or put something on it and boots, skinny black jeans, a band tee and my leather jacket are my typical outfit.


Photo by Gregory Harris

It’s the weekend and you have no bookings, what are you doing?

Micky Ayoub: Central Park, I try to go there at least twice a week.

What does the future hold?

Micky Ayoub: I’m not sure–hopefully good things, travel the world and figure my self out and what I want to do with my life.

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