Nick Hissom Exclusive Part II

The Fashionisto


Published May 24, 2010


From boarding school in Switzerland to modeling and school at the University of Pennsylvania come September, new Ford recruit Nick Hissom has his work cut out for him. As a followup to our series featuring the photography of Kai Z Feng, we find out more about Nick’s own fashion sense and he spends his downtime.


When is your birthday and where did you grow up?

Nick Hissom: 4th July, 1992. I was born and raised in London, but I have been in boarding school in Switzerland since the age of 15. I love Switzerland, but London will always be my home.

What is your current knowledge of fashion?

Nick Hissom: My current knowledge of fashion is not one of great magnitude but thanks to the new friends which I have made in the fashion industry over the past year and online blogs such as The Fashionisto, I am gradually becoming more acquainted with this new world previously alien to me. In a nutshell I follow the ‘match your belt to your shoes rule’…if that’s a even a rule!


What are your interests?

Nick Hissom: I love to ski and living in Switzerland has meant that I am able to ski almost everyday during the season so it’s fantastic! In the summer I play polo and I’ve actually done a shoot on horseback wearing all of my polo kit before! I go to the gym a few times a week though it doesn’t look like it sadly…and if course nights out with your friends are always a blast. One thing that I like about my friends is that whether we’ve been drinking beer on an abandoned basketball court in the middle of Romania or out at VIP we always have a great time and end the night with espresso and Redbull at 6:30am!


You have a 10-hour flight, how are you going to prepare for it?

Nick Hissom: In terms of what I’m wearing, when I travel it would be dark glasses, jeans, sneakers and a blazer thrown over a white t-shirt, for me it’s an easy and comfortable look. Whilst flying I take full advantage of the fact that I won’t be getting any phone calls and I reflect on everything from work to what I’m doing when I arrive. I eat everything on the plane and overdose on caffeine and this usually causes me to blare Tik Tok on someone’s iPod really obnoxiously and do the “I’m stuck in a chair but that won’t stop me dancing” thing…At least no one within three rows of me is ever bored when this happens!


What would be your alternative future plan?

Nick Hissom: This is probably the hardest question to answer out of all of them! In all honesty, I can’t speculate about the future nor would I choose an alternative one. I believe that everything happens for a reason and it’s how someone deals with the journey that matters, not where they end up. Throughout my life I’ve always been very independent so I know that I can handle anything that comes my way. I’ve learned to live each second to the fullest after seeing one life cut terribly short, and I’ve learned that you’ll always be the same person whether you’re wearing rags or riches. At the end of the day it’s all about being happy and moving forward even if it’s just by a small amount!

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6 thoughts on “Nick Hissom Exclusive Part II”

  1. Between the Swiss boarding school, visiting mom in Aspen, and playing polo in summertime, I'm guessing he's born into extreme wealth (as well as good genes, LOL… I'm guessing Arab oil baron papa + Swedish trophy blonde mama).

  2. Between the Swiss boarding school, visiting mom in Aspen, and playing polo in summertime, I'm guessing he's born into extreme wealth (as well as good genes, LOL… I'm guessing Arab oil baron papa + Swedish trophy blonde mama).

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