Nick Jonas Cosmopolitan November 2014 Photo Shoot

The Fashionisto


Published October 3, 2014


Nick Jonas Poses for Cosmopolitan-Following his racy Flaunt cover story, singer Nick Jonas connects with fashion photographer Matt Jones for a photo shoot featured in the November 2014 issue of Cosmopolitan.

What are the best lessons you’ve learned so far, since you started your career and up to your solo career now?
“I think the biggest lesson is to just chill out. Calm down. I think at the peak of my previous success, I probably stressed about more things than I should have, about things that really weren’t that important. And now, I take the good with the bad and … roll with it all. And I think it’s always important to just stay hungry and to work harder than anybody else.”

What have been your brothers’ reactions to your single “Chains”?
“Really positive. They both really love the song and were supportive on Twitter and stuff, which felt great. I played them some more of the record now and they really love it. It feels good. I think we were a band for a long time, so there always is going to be a sensitivity there that I feel, but I’m thrilled to have brothers that support me and I support them in their solo ventures.”

Do you have a style icon?
“James Dean; he’s the best.”

One-word description of your personal style?

All-time favorite movie?
“Dead Poet’s Society.”

What about a comedy?
“Something’s Gotta Give.”

Dream collaboration.
“Prince. For the stories and music.”

Dinner with anyone famous — dead or alive. And why?
“Derek Jeter. I’m a big Yankees fan. Actually, I’ve sat with him at a dinner and we hung for a little bit and it was great — but [I want] a full-on, like, dinner to sit and chat about his career.”







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