Nom de Guerre Spring 2010 | Combat Continues

The Fashionisto


Published January 20, 2010


Nom de Guerre remains dedicated to further exploring a military motif as they move forward into the spring 2010 season. Entitled “The Combat Continues”, the tenth collection was inspired by “an examination of political oppression, rebellion and circumvention as illustrated by the colonizing of Algeria and the resulting Algerian War.” Merging the attire of civilian insurgency forces with the uniforms of the French colonial army, Nom de Guerre arrives at a hodgepodge of ideas similar to the journalistic film footage of Chris Marker. As camouflage moves to conceal functional uniform separates, desert-wear provides a soft foil that brings to surface the issue of humanity and equality. After all, “the intent of the collection is also, to highlight the significance of society–any society distinct from our own, particularly in oppression or upheaval…”


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5 thoughts on “Nom de Guerre Spring 2010 | Combat Continues”

  1. I'm not really feeling this…….=( i love the straight-forward and dominant military look, but the above seems played out–just my opinion.

  2. I'm not really feeling this…….=( i love the straight-forward and dominant military look, but the above seems played out–just my opinion.

  3. I'm not really feeling this…….=( i love the straight-forward and dominant military look, but the above seems played out–just my opinion.

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