Quotable | Oh Tom!

The Fashionisto


Published December 12, 2008


“There’s one indulgence every man should try in his lifetime: If you’re straight, sleep with a man at least once, and if you’re gay, don’t go through life without sleeping with a woman. Either way, you might be surprised at how natural it will feel if you can get past the mind-fuck of stereotypes. In the end, it’s just another person that you are relating to in a physical way.”

-Tom Ford, Rules of Style

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4 thoughts on “Quotable | Oh Tom!”

  1. If he said that at some sort of press conference in front of millions, I’d be standing and clapping at the end of his speech.

    …Although, that is a tough idea to undertake!

    I’m going to share this quote with the world.
    Thank you Carl, and Thank you Tom Ford!!

  2. If he said that at some sort of press conference in front of millions, I’d be standing and clapping at the end of his speech.

    …Although, that is a tough idea to undertake!

    I’m going to share this quote with the world.
    Thank you Carl, and Thank you Tom Ford!!

  3. If he said that at some sort of press conference in front of millions, I’d be standing and clapping at the end of his speech.

    …Although, that is a tough idea to undertake!

    I’m going to share this quote with the world.
    Thank you Carl, and Thank you Tom Ford!!

  4. If he said that at some sort of press conference in front of millions, I’d be standing and clapping at the end of his speech.

    …Although, that is a tough idea to undertake!

    I’m going to share this quote with the world.
    Thank you Carl, and Thank you Tom Ford!!

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