Adrien Brody Connects with The New York Times, Talks Favorite Pair of Boots

The Fashionisto


Published December 7, 2015


Updated October 22, 2018

Adrien Brody photographed by Ike Edeani for The New York Times. Brody is pictured in his favorite boots–Steve Madden's Troopah boots.Pin
Adrien Brody photographed by Ike Edeani for The New York Times. Brody is pictured in his favorite boots–Steve Madden’s Troopah boots.

The New York Times connects with Adrien Brody in connection with his debut show as a painter during the 2015 Art Basel in Miami, Florida. Since his show entitled Hotdogs, Hamburgers and Handguns is about pop culture, Brody was asked to share five of his favorite things. One of the actor’s must-haves is Steve Madden’s Troopah boots. Brody shares, “A pair of Steve Madden black combat boots were part of my character’s wardrobe on a movie, and I basically took them home with me. They zip up the sides.”

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The 42 year-old actor continues, “I’ve bought a second pair since, though, because I like them so much. I’ll wear them with a suit or just with a pair of jeans while hanging out. I’ve worn them even with a tuxedo before. I’m sure some fashion critic has drawn a big red circle around my feet labeling it as a fashion faux pas.”

Steve Madden Troopah BootPin
Steve Madden Troopah Boot

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