Anthony Bowens Covers Gay Times, Discusses Coming Out Again

The Fashionisto


Published January 27, 2019

Anthony Bowens covers the February 2019 issue of Gay Times.Pin
Anthony Bowens covers the February 2019 issue of Gay Times.

Sporting Gucci, Anthony Bowens covers the February 2019 issue of Gay Times. Bowens talks to the magazine about the choice to come out again, going from bisexual to gay. Around six or seven months ago, I was developing a new wrestling character, so I started to go over all the media work I’ve done over the past couple of years, and each article would describe me as ‘the bisexual pro wrestler’ and at the time, when I first came out two years ago, I felt that label was what closest represented me. The pro-wrestler continues, Reading it in the current day, it just didn’t seem to fit anymore. As the months went on, I started to feel a lot stronger about that label.

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Acknowledging personal growth, Bowens explains, It was a bit scary at first because I had spent the previous two years in some pretty major publications defending the label bisexuality, so I didn’t know how people were going to react. Bowens adds, I didn’t want them to think I was turning my back on anything, but I did want people to understand that as you get older your views of the world and your views of yourself change, I’m sure anybody who’s looked back on their younger self, they can all recognize a difference in the way they think, and I definitely notice a difference. The closest thing that I want to be referred to as now is gay.

Anthony Bowens Gay Times Photo Shoot

Taylor Miller photographs Anthony Bowens for Gay Times.Pin
Taylor Miller photographs Anthony Bowens for Gay Times.
Laying in bed, Anthony Bowens stars in a photo shoot for Gay Times.Pin
Laying in bed, Anthony Bowens stars in a photo shoot for Gay Times.
All smiles, Anthony Bowens appears in a black and white photo.Pin
All smiles, Anthony Bowens appears in a black and white photo.
Sporting a colorful star print sweater, Anthony Bowens appears in a new photo shoot.Pin
Sporting a colorful star print sweater, Anthony Bowens appears in a new photo shoot.

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