‘Batman v Superman’ + ‘Suicide Squad’ Casts Come Together for Photos

The Fashionisto


Published July 15, 2015

The cast of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad get together for group photo for The Hollywood Reporter.Pin
The cast of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad get together for group photo for The Hollywood Reporter.

The Hollywood Reporter recently caught up with the casts of Warner Bros. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad during the recent Comic-Con in San Diego. Photographer Joe Pugliese was on-hand to capture the cast members from each film with their directors Zack Snyder (Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice) and David Ayer (Suicide Squad). Read about the movies on HollywoodReporter.com.

Related: Watch Suicide Squad Trailer
Watch Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer

The casts of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad pose for a cheeky image.Pin
The casts of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad pose for a cheeky image.

The casts of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad for The Hollywood Reporter.Pin
The casts of Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad for The Hollywood Reporter.

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