Attitude magazine catches up with Charlie Carver for its June 2017 issue. The out actor covers the magazine with a shoot by photographer Leigh Keily. Embracing summer style, Carver sports a wardrobe curated by stylist Joseph Kocharian. Posing for photos at the Andaz West Hollywood, Carver wears brands like Levi’s and AMI.
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The 28-year-old actor talks to Attitude about coming out. Carver explains, “I didn’t really give a f**k at that point because, for me, not that I was living under duress, but I’d said to myself if I can’t do this when I’m young, I’m not sure I wanna stay in this business.” The Teen Wolf star adds, “I think the world is changing, representation is changing, and I wanted to be a part of that and I wouldn’t wanna be in this business if I couldn’t be a part of that.”
Charlie Carver Attitude Photo Shoot