Charlie Carver Covers Attitude, Discusses Coming Out

The Fashionisto


Published May 9, 2017

Charlie Carver covers the June 2017 issue of Attitude magazine.Pin
Charlie Carver covers the June 2017 issue of Attitude magazine.

Attitude magazine catches up with Charlie Carver for its June 2017 issue. The out actor covers the magazine with a shoot by photographer Leigh Keily. Embracing summer style, Carver sports a wardrobe curated by stylist Joseph Kocharian. Posing for photos at the Andaz West Hollywood, Carver wears brands like Levi’s and AMI.

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The 28-year-old actor talks to Attitude about coming out. Carver explains, “I didn’t really give a f**k at that point because, for me, not that I was living under duress, but I’d said to myself if I can’t do this when I’m young, I’m not sure I wanna stay in this business.” The Teen Wolf star adds, “I think the world is changing, representation is changing, and I wanted to be a part of that and I wouldn’t wanna be in this business if I couldn’t be a part of that.”

Charlie Carver Attitude Photo Shoot

Going casual, Charlie Carver wears a Balmain tee with Adidas pants and a Pieter necklace.Pin
Going casual, Charlie Carver wears a Balmain tee with Adidas pants and a Pieter necklace.
Leigh Keily photographs Charlie Carver in a Balmain tee and Pieter necklace for Attitude magazine.Pin
Leigh Keily photographs Charlie Carver in a Balmain tee and Pieter necklace for Attitude magazine.
Relaxing poolside, Charlie Carver sports a Gucci jacket with a Diesel tee and Adidas pants.Pin
Relaxing poolside, Charlie Carver sports a Gucci jacket with a Diesel tee and Adidas pants.
Lounging, Charlie Carver sports an AMI shirt with a M65 Collection tank, and Levi's denim jeans.Pin
Lounging, Charlie Carver sports an AMI shirt $200 with a M65 Collection tank, and Levi’s denim jeans.
Actor Charlie Carver wears a New Look cut-off shirt with Levi's denim jeans.Pin
Actor Charlie Carver wears a New Look cut-off shirt with Levi’s denim jeans.

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