Chris Pratt Covers British GQ, Reflects on Life as a Struggling Actor

The Fashionisto


Published December 11, 2016

Chris Pratt British GQ January 2017 CoverPin
Chris Pratt covers the January 2017 issue of British GQ.

Chris Pratt covers the January 2017 issue of British GQ. The Guardians of the Galaxy 2 star reflects on life as a struggling actor before his big break. Pratt recalls, “Life was a series of choices based on the price backwards on the menu, when you didn’t look at, ooh, what do I want, you look at the lowest number, that’s what you’re going to get.”

Related: Chris Pratt is InStyle’s Man of Style, Talks The Magnificent Seven Wardrobe

Providing a sample scenario, Pratt explains, “The difference between a large soda and a small soda was the 49 cents, and you didn’t spend the 49 cents. I heard someone say to me if it’s a problem that can be solved by money, it’s not a real problem. And I thought what kind of f***ing asshole would come up with that?” Read more on

Chris Pratt British GQ Photo Shoot

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Actor Chris Pratt cleans up in a dashing shirt and suit by Dolce & Gabbana.
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Pictured poolside, Chris Pratt dons a check blazer with coordinating trousers from Giorgio Armani.
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Grace Gilfeather outfits Chris Pratt in a Burberry coat for British GQ.
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Chris Pratt delivers a profile image in a Burberry coat for British GQ.

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