Daniel Brühl Talks ‘The Alienist’ with Crash Magazine

The Fashionisto


Published June 9, 2017

Daniel Brühl wears a Brioni polo with an A.P.C. denim jacket.Pin
Daniel Brühl wears a Brioni polo with an A.P.C. denim jacket.

Marc Hibbert photographs actor Daniel Brühl for a new Crash feature. Brühl appears in black and white images, which feature styling by Andrej Skok. The German actor talks to Crash about the TNT series, The Alienist. “It is the first time that I am doing a long television show. I have wanted to play the part for such a long time after watching so many series,” says Brühl.

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He continues, “I just started a couple weeks ago, but I know already that I will be as happy after six months in September as I am right now.” The 38-year-old actor shares, “It is something I am really certain of…It is one of those projects where all the pieces come together perfectly. First of all, it is based on a wonderful book called The Alienist and that book absolutely mesmerized me.”

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Discussing it at greater lengths, Brühl explains, “I couldn’t put it down. I was reading it like a twelve-year-old boy. It takes place during 1896 and it’s a very dark and gloomy story about a psychologist and some other guys who are hunting a serial killer.” The Alientist star adds, “It is very sinister and has a wonderful atmosphere and quality. The adaptation of the script is fantastic.”

Daniel Brühl Crash Photo Shoot

Appearing in a photo shoot for Crash magazine, Daniel Brühl sports a Dior Homme shirt and suit with Nike sneakers.Pin
Appearing in a photo shoot for Crash magazine, Daniel Brühl sports a Dior Homme shirt and suit with Nike sneakers.
Sporting Dior Homme, Daniel Brühl delivers a side profile for Crash magazine.Pin
Sporting Dior Homme, Daniel Brühl delivers a side profile for Crash magazine.
Front and center, Daniel Brühl wears a Gucci t-shirt with an an A.P.C. jacket.Pin
Front and center, Daniel Brühl wears a Gucci t-shirt with an an A.P.C. jacket.

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