Eddie Redmayne Connects with Rhapsody, Praises J.K. Rowling

The Fashionisto


Published November 20, 2016

Eddie Redmayne dons a cozy turtleneck sweater for the pages of Rhapsody magazine.Pin
Eddie Redmayne dons a cozy turtleneck sweater for the pages of Rhapsody magazine.

Eddie Redmayne appears in a feature for the November 2016 issue of Rhapsody. The United Airlines magazine enlists the English actor for a shoot with photographer Jason Bell. The photographer also captured Redmayne for the latest cover story from Interview Russia.

Related: Eddie Redmayne Covers The Observer, Talks Pressure & Fantastic Beasts

Jason Bell photographs Eddie Redmayne for Rhapsody magazine.Pin
Jason Bell photographs Eddie Redmayne for Rhapsody magazine.

Eddie Redmayne on Fantastic Beasts and J.K. Rowling

Wearing warm knitwear and choice coats, Redmayne connects with the magazine to chat about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The 34-year-old actor shares, “I really do think J.K. Rowling is a genius. She creates this world that is so real and has such an intricacy and delicacy and authenticity to it. There are these magical, extraordinary elements to it, but it’s about trying to ground it in something truthful.” Read more on UnitedMags.com.

Eddie Redmayne Rhapsody Photo Shoot

English actor Eddie Redmayne wears a v-neck sweater and smart shirt for Rhapsody magazine.Pin
English actor Eddie Redmayne wears a v-neck sweater and smart shirt for Rhapsody magazine.

Eddie Redmayne Interview Russia Cover Photo Shoot

Appearing in a black and white image, Eddie Redmayne covers Interview Russia.Pin
Appearing in a black and white image, Eddie Redmayne covers Interview Russia.
Embracing gentleman style, Eddie Redmayne appears in a photo shoot for Interview Russia.Pin
Embracing gentleman style, Eddie Redmayne appears in a photo shoot for Interview Russia.

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