Gus Dapperton graces Vogue Man Hong Kong’s pages for a “Cozy Weekend.” The 19-year-old American singer and songwriter links up with photographer Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca (DeFacto Inc.) for the feature. Anaya-Lucca captures warm images of Dapperton indoors while Grant Woolhead (Exposure) looks after the shoot’s styling.
Vogue Man Hong Kong talks to Gus Dapperton about how he produces and records his music. In a translated interview, Dapperton discusses how the process of making music isn’t difficult for him. “When it comes to my own vision, sometimes I find it easier to do it myself,” explains Dapperton.
“When I need help, I am not ashamed to ask for help, but sometimes I just want to write down my thoughts as soon as possible so that I don’t lose my mind.” Dapperton confesses, “I think most of my work is just forming ideas in my head.” At the same time, Dapperton is open to feedback, sharing, “I absolutely love hearing what others say, especially friends and family members who always give me honest opinions.”
Gus Dapperton Vogue Man Hong Kong Photo Shoot