Harry Styles Exudes Charm for Better Homes & Gardens

The Fashionisto


Published April 28, 2022

Harry Styles Nail Polish Better Homes & Gardens Cover 2022Pin
All smiles, Harry Styles wears Pleasing nail polish with an éliou necklace for the June 2022 cover of Better Homes & Gardens. Photo Credit: Tim Walker

Harry Styles makes an unexpected but stylish appearance to promote his new album Harry’s House, out May 20, 2022. The 28-year-old singer graces the cover of Better Homes & Gardens for June 2022. Styles grins as he wears Pleasing nail polish and an éliou oversized necklace. Harry Lambert outfits Styles for the occasion, and photographer Tim Walker captures the feature’s charming photographs.

Harry Styles 2022 Pajamas Better Homes & GardensPin
Sporting Gucci pajamas, Harry Styles appears in a new cover story for June’s Better Homes & Gardens. Photo Credit: Tim Walker

Harry Styles for Better Homes & Gardens

Better Homes & Gardens interviews Harry Styles on the process of making Harry’s House. While dealing with COVID and lockdowns, Styles was able to take a break from his busy schedule and just ponder. This prompted Styles to consider home and a state of peace. He elaborates, “I realized that that home feeling isn’t something that you get from a house; it’s more of an internal thing. You realize that when you stop for a minute.”


Harry Styles Sweater Boxers 2022 Better Homes & Gardens PhotoshootPin
Appearing in a photoshoot for Better Homes & Gardens, Harry Styles wears a S.S.Daley sweater with Hemen Biarritz’s Breton stripes boxers. Photo Credit: Tim Walker

When asked about the lockdown and the music-making process, Harry Styles admits, “I think everyone went through a big moment of self-reflection, a lot of navel-gazing, and I don’t know if there’s anything more navel-gazing than making an album. It’s so self-absorbed.”

On the other hand, Styles keeps things simple when it comes to music. “I just want to make stuff that is right, that is fun, in terms of the process, that I can be proud of for a long time, that my friends can be proud of, that my family can be proud of, that my kids will be proud of one day.”

Harry Styles Gucci Better Homes & Gardens 2022Pin
Posing for a photo in the new Better Homes & Gardens, Harry Styles dons a Gucci look. Photo Credit: Tim Walker

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