Details enlists actor Jake Gyllenhaal as the cover star of its August 2015 issue. Photographed by Mark Seliger, Gyllenhaal cleans up in a sharp, trim suit for the magazine cover. Asked about his physical transformation for Southpaw, Gyllenhaal explains, “People have a lot of other shit they have to do that’s more interesting and more important, so I don’t blame them for being like, ‘Oh, wait, how many sit-ups did you have to do?’ Or, ‘Oh, wow, what did you eat to lose that much weight?’ But you’re missing the point. Nightcrawler was ironically about the trouble with that question. It was about why people only look at how much weight you lost, as opposed to what’s at the heart of what you’re doing. In that world, where we just focus on those things, somebody like Lou Bloom thrives. In fact, he rules.” Read more on Details.com.