Out talks dirty with James Franco for its September 2017 cover feature. The American actor links up with photographer Gavin Bond and stylist Nicolas Klam for the photo shoot. Sporting simple designer pieces, Franco wears labels such as Prada and Coach. The Deuce star also compares acting to directing. He shares, “I’ve got to say, of all the things that I’ve done, and I’ve done a lot, the actual process of directing is the most fun, because you’re in the middle of all these different creative people. But no, I will not stop acting.”
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Franco continues, “Most actors come to a point in their lives where they have to reassess what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, and for me, after going back to school and trying to do all these other things, this new chapter, with surfing and dancing, is really about slowing down and trying to focus on fewer things but in a deeper, more quality-filled way.” Read more on Out.com.
James Franco Out Magazine Photo Shoot