Joaquin Phoenix is in the spotlight for a new cover story from The New York Times Style Magazine. Phoenix links up with photographer Craig McDean and stylist Jason Rider for the laid-back series of images. Talking to author Bret Easton Ellis, Phoenix discusses the art of acting. The 42-year-old actor shares, “The best directors I’ve worked with always adjusted to what was happening with the actor.”
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Phoenix continues, “On set I’ve seen things when actors have given great performances and once it’s cut together you don’t feel it, you don’t care. I’ve done stuff that I thought was garbage and then it’s put together and it’s really effective.” Adding to the conversation, Phoenix reflects. He says, “When I was younger, I thought the idea was to construct a character, figure out its arc–now I think arcs are kind of BS. The director creates the arc.” Read more on NYTimes.com.
Joaquin Phoenix New York Times Style Magazine Photo Shoot