Promoting Mary Magdalene, Joaquin Phoenix covers Interview’s April 2018 issue. Hedi Slimane photographs the actor in a series of black and white portraits. Meanwhile, Phoenix chats about his upcoming projects with actor Will Ferrell. I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be on a reality show, where you go on a first date, and that’s what this conversation feels like,
says Phoenix.
Related: Joaquin Phoenix Covers The New York Times Style Magazine
Phoenix continues, I feel like I’m trying to do this first date and get to know you, and be natural, and just have a conversation, but I am also aware in the back of my mind that we’re being recorded. I feel like I want to get to know you, but also want to make sure that I look good, and I have my hair right. Did I wear the right jacket? I should’ve worn denim. Is denim cool? I don’t know how to present who I am, and now I feel bad about that.
Read more at InterviewMagazine.com.
Joaquin Phoenix Interview Magazine Photo Shoot