Kit Harington Covers L’Uomo Vogue, Talks Big Jon Snow Secret

The Fashionisto


Published May 13, 2016

Kit Harington covers the May/June 2016 issue of L'Uomo Vogue.Pin
Kit Harington covers the May/June 2016 issue of L’Uomo Vogue.

After his grand reveal on Game of Thrones, actor Kit Harington graces the cover of L’Uomo Vogue’s May/June 2016 issue. Photographed by Norman Jean Roy, Harington embraces a moody narrative as he dons dark fashions styled by Robert Rabenstiner.

Related: Kit Harington Does Suave in Burberry Suit

Talking to the magazine about Jon Snow’s resurrection, Harington reveals, “Having to maintain absolute secrecy for so long has been a formidable test for understanding the psychology of other people on the basis of assumptions made.” The 29 year-old actor continues, “What I realized is that many people feel they have a much stronger connection with Jon Snow than I do.” Read more on

Kit Harington L’Uomo Vogue Photo Shoot

Kit Harington photographed by Norman Jean Roy for L'Uomo Vogue.Pin
Kit Harington photographed by Norman Jean Roy for L’Uomo Vogue.
A moody Kit Harington is styled by Robert Rabenstiner for L'Uomo Vogue.Pin
A moody Kit Harington is styled by Robert Rabenstiner for L’Uomo Vogue.
Kit Harington tackles a dark edge for his L'Uomo Vogue photo shoot.Pin
Kit Harington tackles a dark edge for his L’Uomo Vogue photo shoot.

Kit Harington Covers Entertainment Weekly

May 2016: Donning double denim and a blue blazer, Kit Harington covers Entertainment Weekly.Pin
May 2016: Donning double denim and a blue blazer, Kit Harington covers Entertainment Weekly.

Photographed by Marc Hom, Kit Harington covered Entertainment Weekly, fresh off of news of Jon Snow’s resurrection. Discussing his character’s story arc, Harington says, “I’d like to say sorry for lying to everyone. I’m glad that people were upset that he died. I think my biggest fear was that people were not going to care. Or it would just be, ‘Fine, Jon Snow’s dead.’ But it seems like people had a, similar to the Red Wedding episode, kind of grief about it. Which means something I’m doing–or the show is doing–is right.” Read more on

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