Liam Gallagher links up with Mr Porter for the latest edition of The Journal. Photographer Stefan Heinrichs captures the singer, while Olie Arnold looks after styling. Gallagher talks to Mr Porter about the prospects of an Oasis reunion with his estranged brother Noel. It’s not about the money. I don’t drive cars. I don’t buy Rolexes. But I’ve got enough parkas that I could whip out and still blow people’s minds.
The 46-year-old singer continues, I don’t think [Noel] has got it in him anymore. And anyway, his missus might not like the music. It’s a bit ‘laddy’. It might be too working class for them.
Read more at MrPorter.com.
Related: Liam Gallagher Covers British GQ
Liam Gallagher Mr Porter The Journal Photo Shoot