Matt Damon Poses for The Hollywood Reporter, Talks Bourne Franchise

The Fashionisto


Published September 30, 2015

Matt Damon suits up for The Hollywood Reporter.Pin
Matt Damon suits up for The Hollywood Reporter.

The Hollywood Reporter catches up with The Martian star Matt Damon for a new shoot and feature. Asking about Damon’s anticipated return to the Jason Bourne series after leaving the franchise to Jeremy Renner, Damon explains that he is back in part to director Paul Greengrass. Damon expresses, “I always tied myself to Paul. I always said, if he came back, I would love to come back. And we would talk about it periodically. But we just didn’t have a story to tell. We just didn’t have anything. And the studio was under pressure because they have a deal with the estate: They have to make a Bourne movie or they [lose the rights]. I don’t know what the deal is, but I know that any time there’s a franchise that’s this successful, there’s a lot of pressure.” Read more on

Matt Damon photographed for The Hollywood Reporter.Pin
Matt Damon photographed for The Hollywood Reporter.

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