Michael B. Jordan Covers WSJ., Talks ‘Black Panther’

The Fashionisto


Published January 18, 2018

Michael B. Jordan covers WSJ. magazine.Pin
Michael B. Jordan covers WSJ. magazine.

Ahead of the release of Black Panther, Michael B. Jordan covers the latest issue of WSJ. magazine. Ethan James Green photographs the actor for the feature. Connecting with the magazine, Jordan discusses Black Panther. It’s something that hasn’t been done before. I think it’s a perfect time for this movie, says Jordan. That’s why Black Panther is so important. There are so many things that had to happen for Marvel to get on board, for Disney to get behind the message that we’re getting behind. Ryan [Coogler] had to be the perfect guy; he had to earn his stripes, earn his budget. Read more on WSJ.com.

Related: Michael B. Jordan Dons Stars & Stripes for Men’s Fitness Cover

Michael B. Jordan WSJ. Photo Shoot

Actor Michael B. Jordan stars in a photo shoot for WSJ. magazine.Pin
Actor Michael B. Jordan stars in a photo shoot for WSJ. magazine.
Ethan James Green photographs Michael B. Jordan for WSJ. magazine.Pin
Ethan James Green photographs Michael B. Jordan for WSJ. magazine.
Black Panther actor Michael B. Jordan appears in a new photo shoot for WSJ. magazine.Pin
Black Panther actor Michael B. Jordan appears in a new photo shoot for WSJ. magazine.

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