Nick Jonas rocks a black muscle tee and denim jeans as he covers the December 2016 issue of Men’s Fitness. The singer and actor talks to the magazine about how he finds a happy medium between dealing with his type-1 diabetes and working out. Jonas shares, “It’s important to stay in your lane.”
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Nick Jonas Men’s Fitness Photo Shoot

Nick Jonas on Training
Referring to his trainer, Gregg Miele, the 24-year-old singer says, “One philosophy Gregg teaches that I really appreciate is that everybody’s got a different approach to fitness. No one way is wrong. Being competitive is good, but it can also leave you sore and struggling to recover.” Jonas explains, “Your body feeds off that recovery time, so don’t push yourself so hard just to do better than the guy next to you in the gym.” Read more on MensFitness.com.