‘The Walking Dead’ Star Norman Reedus Shoots with Imagista

The Fashionisto


Published November 19, 2015

Norman Reedus photographed for ImagistaPin
Norman Reedus photographed for Imagista

The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus is back in the spotlight as he appears in a photo shoot for Imagista. Photographed by Michael Williams, Reedus is outfitted by stylist Wendy Mcnett. Bringing his own brand of cool to a wardrobe of basics, Reedus wears pieces from fast retailer H&M.

Sharing his experience playing Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead, Reedus explains, “It’s my favorite job I’ve ever had. I’m having a blast on that show. We shoot that out in the woods in Georgia. There’s none of the regular traps that I think you would have if we, say, shot in Burbank or something.”

The 46 year-old actor continues, “Also, I’ve had five years to work on a character instead of a month so all these little things that you do can take on more meaning. Sometimes you drop these little seeds behind that later become trees in the storyline. So, you have all that to work with and it’s great.”

Reedus is also elated about his coworkers. He says, “The cast and the crew and everybody there, they become such a tight family. It feels good when the band’s together. It’s quite the blessing actually.” Read more on TheImagista.com.

Norman Reedus wears all clothes H&M.Pin
Norman Reedus wears all clothes H&M.
Norman Reedus wears shirt Martin Keehn, pants and boots H&M.Pin
Norman Reedus wears shirt Martin Keehn, pants and boots H&M.
Norman Reedus photographed by Michael Williams for Imagista.Pin
Norman Reedus photographed by Michael Williams for Imagista.

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