Sam Heughan Links Up with Interview, Dishes on Japanese Press Trip

The Fashionisto


Published May 8, 2016

Styled by Phoebe Arnold, Sam Heughan dons a henley from Belstaff with a Drake's neckerchief. Pin
Styled by Phoebe Arnold, Sam Heughan dons a henley from Belstaff with a Drake’s neckerchief.

Interview magazine puts the spotlight on Outlander star Sam Heughan for a new feature lensed by photographer David Bailey. Outfitted by stylist Phoebe Arnold, Heughan dons an eclectic wardrobe from Baartmans and Siegel and Belstaff.

Related: Sam Heughan Covers Saks Catalogue, Steps Out for Outlander Photocall

Sam Heughan Interview Photo Shoot

Sam Heughan photographed by David Bailey for Interview magazine.Pin
Sam Heughan photographed by David Bailey for Interview magazine.

On a press tour for Outlander in Japan, the 36-year-old actor talks to Will Shatner about his experience. Heughan shares, “I’m currently in Tokyo and it’s pretty mental. We went out yesterday and had a look around, but I got pretty ill. We were supposed to go to this amazing sushi bar and…I don’t know what I ate on the flight, but it wasn’t good. So my first day in Tokyo was a bit of a letdown.” Joking about his developing relationship with the toilet, Heughan explains, “You can hug the bowl, but also, this one washes you, it can give you a massage.” Read more on

Sam Heughan rocks a fur coat from Baartsmans and Siegel for his Interview photo shoot.Pin
Sam Heughan rocks a fur coat from Baartsmans and Siegel for his Interview photo shoot.

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2 thoughts on “Sam Heughan Links Up with Interview, Dishes on Japanese Press Trip”

  1. Wish he would never wear a fur coat ever again. AGH! So wrong! IMO Please Sam reconsider those things. While looks elegant it is a harsh harsh things fr the critters they killed.

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