Sam Smith covers the newest issue of V magazine. The British singer shares the cover with models Jules Horn, Jaad Belgaid, and Grace Elizabeth. The cover also represents Nicola Formichetti’s biggest job yet as a new photographer. The modern renaissance man links up with stylist Anna Trevelyan for the occasion. She dresses Smith in fashions from the likes of Givenchy and Prada.
Related: Sam Smith Covers L’Uomo Vogue, Talks Sophomore Album Pressures
Smith also connects with Sarah Jessica Parker for an interview. The 25-year-old singer opens up about his relationship with Brandon Flynn. On a personal level, I’m in a relationship right now and for the first time, I think I deserve to be happy,
says Smith.
I’m actually asking myself if I’m going to be writing some happy love songs soon. Also, I’m really proud because, even with this whole dreaded second album thing the industry makes everyone concentrate on, I’m putting out a second album that couldn’t be more me—and it couldn’t be gayer.
Smith continues, I’m so proud of that. I’m excited to be singing songs like ‘Him’ in parts of the world that maybe aren’t as open in terms of sexuality. To be that raw in front of people is daunting and scary, but the high is incredible.
Read more on VMagazine.com.
Sam Smith V Magazine Photo Shoot