Seth Rogen serves up summer vibes as he connects with GQ for its May/June 2019 issue. Photographer Sebastian Mader captures Rogen, while Mobolaji Dawodu looks after styling. Embracing vacation style, Rogen wears fashions from brands such as Gucci, Dunhill, and Maison Margiela. Rogen talks to GQ about how chooses projects. I’ve tried to sharpen my sense in recognizing when I’m acting out of hubris and when I feel like I may be doing something just
says Rogen.cause of how fucking cool I’ll seem once I did it, how smart everyone will think I am once I did it,
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The 37-year-old actor continues, I think as you become successful and famous, gravity will pull you toward hubris and just trying to fly straight is not enough. You have to steer away from it. Because if you just try to go straight, you’ll get pulled into it. And that’s something, even still, every once in awhile, I’m like,
Read more at GQ.com.We gotta jerk this wheel.
We’re getting pulled into it slowly, because everyone else around you is like, Yeah, do it, it’s a good idea, here’s money, take it, do it, we want it.
And you have to be like, No. That’s not a good idea.
Seth Rogen GQ Photo Shoot