HERO Goes on Tour with Shawn Mendes for New Cover Story

The Fashionisto


Published October 31, 2016

Shawn Mendes covers the sixteenth issue of HERO magazine.Pin
Shawn Mendes covers the sixteenth issue of HERO magazine.

HERO magazine goes fan mode for its latest cover story. The British magazine goes on tour with singer Shawn Mendes. The Canadian singer links up with photographer Fabien Kruszelnicki for the candid feature. Here, Kruszelnicki follows Mendes from the stage to his tour bus.

Related: Shawn Mendes Gets the High Fashion Treatment, Poses for L’Uomo Vogue

Discussing his tour with HERO, Mendes shares, “You know how your parents say treat people the way you want to be treated? I perform my show how I’d like to see one.” Mendes continues, “So that’s kind of how I look at it, when I go to a show I would feel overwhelmed with production and dancers, and it would be too much for me to see, I love to see an artist when they’re just singing, I get chills when I see someone performing.”

A shirtless Shawn Mendes is pictured on his tour bus for HERO magazine.Pin
A shirtless Shawn Mendes is pictured on his tour bus for HERO magazine.

Shawn Mendes on His Album Illuminate

Talking about his new album, Illiuminate, Mendes explains, “In the second album a lot of the songs are a little more produced, that’s because I’ve had a lot of creative control and been like, ‘This is what I want to do, these are the kind of movements I want to make…'”

The 18-year-old singer adds, “You just want to have more involvement with something that you put your heart into. So with this new album, I made sure I was writing every single song, was there for the production on every single song, I didn’t want it to be released without me being 100% sure about it.” Read more on Hero-Magazine.com.

Pictures: On Tour with Shawn Mendes

Singer Shawn Mendes plays on his guitar for HERO magazine.Pin
Singer Shawn Mendes plays on his guitar for HERO magazine.
Fabien Kruszelnicki photographs Shawn Mendes for HERO magazine.Pin
Fabien Kruszelnicki photographs Shawn Mendes for HERO magazine.
HERO magazine gets candid with Shawn Mendes, who is pictured brushing his teeth.Pin
HERO magazine gets candid with Shawn Mendes, who is pictured brushing his teeth.

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