Simon Baker is GQ Australia’s latest cover star. The Australian actor covers the magazine’s March/April 2018 issue. Hugh Stewart photographs Baker while Trevor Stones styles him in casual pieces from brands like Prada. While Baker discusses his film Breath, he also reflects on doing the hit television series The Mentalist.
Addressing rumors of him making upwards of $30 million for a season, Baker confesses, It’s bad taste. And 99.9 percent of the time it’s grossly inaccurate. What upsets me, is that it can define you as a person who hangs all their worth on that.
Related: Simon Baker is the Ultimate Gentleman for L’Express Styles Cover Story
Baker continues, I’m not that person. I like my lifestyle, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t ever want to be seen as an elitist. That goes against every fiber of my being.
However, Baker adds, you’ve got to weigh up the pros and cons. I’m very fortunate to have success in a field that is incredibly competitive and challenging. So if it feels awkward and uncomfortable, well, shut the f**k up. That’s my hardship? Suck it up.
Simon Baker GQ Australia Photo Shoot