Stephen Colbert Brings Humor to Pages of InStyle

The Fashionisto


Published August 30, 2017

Starring in a photo shoot for InStyle, Stephen Colbert rocks a Tommy Hilfiger suit with a Club Room shirt. He also wears a Giorgio Armani tie and To Boot New York shoes.Pin
Starring in a photo shoot for InStyle, Stephen Colbert rocks a Tommy Hilfiger suit with a Club Room shirt. He also wears a Giorgio Armani tie and To Boot New York shoes.

Stephen Colbert flexes a humorous muscle as he graces the pages of InStyle. The Late Show host appears in the magazine’s coveted September 2017 issue. Capturing the cheeky photo shoot, photographer Miller Mobley works with stylist Antonia Xereas. Colbert also talks to InStyle about the impact of late night shows. He explains, “Today you’ll feel better, but these shows are cotton candy dropping in water, and I don’t pretend otherwise. I used to joke to Jon [Stewart] that we are shouting jokes into an Altoids can and throwing them off an overpass. Nobody remembers.” Read more on

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Stephen Colbert InStyle Photo Shoot

Stephen Colbert wears a Giorgio Armani jacket with a Kozinn + Sons Merchant Tailors shirt and Prada tie.Pin
Stephen Colbert wears a Giorgio Armani jacket with a Kozinn + Sons Merchant Tailors shirt and Prada tie.
Making a cheeky statement, Stephen Colbert wears a Calvin Klein Underwear t-shirt with Levi's jeans.Pin
Making a cheeky statement, Stephen Colbert wears a Calvin Klein Underwear t-shirt with Levi’s jeans.
Miller Mobley photographs Stephen Colbert for InStyle magazine.Pin
Miller Mobley photographs Stephen Colbert for InStyle magazine.
InStyle enlists Stephen Colbert for a funny photo shoot for its September 2017 issue.Pin
InStyle enlists Stephen Colbert for a funny photo shoot for its September 2017 issue.
Antonia Xereas styles Stephen Colbert for the pages of InStyle.Pin
Antonia Xereas styles Stephen Colbert for the pages of InStyle.

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