Terrence Howard + Taraji P. Henson Cover Emmy Magazine

The Fashionisto


Published June 7, 2015

Empire stars Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard cover the latest issue of Emmy.Pin
Empire stars Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard cover the latest issue of Emmy.

Empire leads Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson star in a red-hot cover shoot for the most recent issue of Emmy magazine. Talking about the breakout television series, Howard shares, “We’ve abandoned the idea of P.C., political correctness, for just being honest about what’s really taking place in the world…with some entertainment involved in it.” He continues, “I didn’t know that the American public was really ready to tackle some of these issues that we’re tackling, especially the African-American population. With the homophobia that runs through there, I didn’t think a lot of the scenes that we’ve had would be welcome. I thought 20 minutes in [to the first episode], by the time they had the first [same-sex] kiss, it would be a wrap. Everybody would change the channel.” Read more on Emmys.com.

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