Travis Fimmel stars in a new feature for Interview magazine. The Australian actor links up with photographer Zoey Grossman and stylist Rita Zebdi for the occasion. Talking to the magazine about Vikings, Fimmel reflects, “I was only meant to be on the show for a year. I was meant to die that last episode that first year, but I didn’t; I ended up being on it a bit longer.”
Related: Travis Fimmel Heads to Newfoundland for Canada Goose’s Fall Campaign
Discussing the future of the series, Fimmel continues, “A lot of shows get very repetitive, but I think it’s great that the young kids are coming in. It just gives new life to the show—some cool characters for the audience to follow. I hope they really enjoy this season. The kids are great. I’m excited for the audience to see these young people doing amazing things.” Read more on InterviewMagazine.com.
Travis Fimmel Interview Magazine Photo Shoot