Us star Winston Duke connects with the New York Post’s style supplement Alexa for a new feature. Joe Schmeizer photographs the actor. Meanwhile, fashion editor Serena French and stylist Anahita Moussavian collaborate to curate a designer wardrobe. Discussing Us, Duke recalls having an epiphany while reading the film’s script.
Related: ‘Us’ Star Winston Duke Embraces Fashion-Forward Style for Esquire
Even though you are woke, it doesn’t absolve you of your sin,
says Duke. This movie put me in a place of realizing that once attached to the problematic constructs of privilege, you become, to some degree, responsible for the sins of those constructs.
Duke continues, There are people who lose arms and legs trying to get the minerals to make my cellphone that I use for Instagram. I might not be participating intentionally, but I am participating. It indicts all of us.
Read more at NYPost.com.
Winston Duke New York Post Alexa Photo Shoot