Xavier Dolan Featured in Interview Magazine February 2015 Shoot, Chats with Jessica Chastain

The Fashionisto


Published January 18, 2015


Photographed by Sebastian Kim, actor and director Xavier Dolan is featured in the February 2015 edition of Interview magazine. Shot in Los Angeles, California this past November, Dolan is styled by Elin Savahn for images that feature the 25 year-old in spring fashions from the likes of Louis Vuitton and Missoni.

Talking to Jessica Chastain for the interview portion of his feature, Dolan discusses the autobiographical nature of his work, explaining, “I Killed My Mother is autobiographical. I would say the percentage of accuracy is 250 percent. I’m kidding—it’s, like, 240. The other films aren’t really. I’m very far from Laurence Anyways. I haven’t experienced heterosexual love and then a gender switch. I haven’t been held hostage like Tom is in Tom at the Farm. I haven’t lived any of these things, but every character is very personal because there’s a lot of me in their anger, their loneliness, and in their rage against society, against people who ostracize people who are different. Even the characters that seem so far away intellectually or socially, for me, when they speak, it will always be my words. There’s a lot of my mom in these characters because you write characters with the things that you’ve watched. As an actor, I’ve been recording forever. I’m a watcher. I’m a stalker. I love everything about people: the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they cry, the way their mouth is distorted whenever they do this or say that. It’s always been a passion for me to observe.” Read more at InterviewMagazine.com.





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