Picture Break: 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony

The Fashionisto


Published August 10, 2008


Updated January 15, 2015


*New Zealand


The Summer Olympics have started and I’ve been attached to the couch since Friday night watching and this will continue for the next two weeks.  On a side note, Ralph Lauren designed the US team’s opening ceremony clothes and I do not like the hats at all…or the RL logo on the blazer.  The whole look just rubs me the wrong way and gives off a Yacht associated image that is hardly inviting, accessible, and/or representative of the majority of America.

Pictures from Yahoo

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5 thoughts on “Picture Break: 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony”

  1. I agree totally… there were audible “ew”s when the US came out at this little Opening Ceremony shindig I had. I really like Great Britain’s clothes, though.

  2. I loved how the French women had sashes. Classy.

    I liked Great Britain’s clothes too…well, with the exception of the skirts the women are wearing. There is my EW.

  3. The picture captioned Australia isn’t the Australian Team … Thats the New Zealand Team. Australian and New Zealand have similar flags but if you look closely on the pic the stars are red, the Australian flag has white stars.

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