Ralph Lauren Covers WSJ. Magazine’s Innovators Issue

The Fashionisto


Published November 9, 2018

Ralph Lauren covers the November 2018 issue of WSJ. magazine.Pin
Ralph Lauren covers the November 2018 issue of WSJ. magazine.

Ralph Lauren is once again in the spotlight as the designer covers the Innovators issue of WSJ. magazine. Cass Bird photographs the designer for the occasion. Talking to the magazine about his 50th-anniversary show, Lauren shares, This one said everything I wanted to say about my life and my career, how I feel about America, how I feel about where we are as a country, how I feel about diversity.

Related: Ralph Lauren Covers Hamptons Magazine, Talks Fashion & Style

Lauren continues, I expressed my history, my work, what I stood for, what I believe in. Reflecting on his fashion empire, Lauren says, I created all this. I didn’t go to fashion school. I created a restaurant. I created a home business. I created a lifestyle. I built clothes for a living, not just fashion. The designer explains, I was the consumer. I was desiring the same things as other people. Read more at WSJ.com.

Ralph Lauren WSJ. Magazine Photo Shoot

Cass Bird photographs Ralph Lauren for WSJ. magazine.Pin
Cass Bird photographs Ralph Lauren for WSJ. magazine.
Designer Ralph Lauren photographed for WSJ. magazine.Pin
Designer Ralph Lauren photographed for WSJ. magazine.

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