Interested in becoming a contributor or helping in some other capacity?
Looking for people interested in tackling a specific category: design/site maintenance, lookbook reviews, editorials, runway reviews, new arrivals/sales, and/or features/interviews.
Also looking for people interested in both menswear and womenswear for a special side project.
Complete the following and email to th******@th************.com:
Are you interested in being a regular contributor that updates daily or only for special occasions?
How often can you update?
Do you have Photoshop or another imaging editor?
Do you have a blog – URL?
Have a writing sample? Include the sample or a link.
Are you able to attend local events? Fashion Shows, Launch Parties, etc.
What do you hope to get out of this?
Do you social network? Myspace? Twitter? Include links.
Totally just sent in my “application”!!
i will send mine soon :0