Styling Robbie Wadge and Louis Yearwood for Volt #7, Cynthia Lawrence-John finds the opportunity to interject menswear with a little whimsy. With a delicate balance set in motion, photographer Joost Vandebrug captures a youthful naivety using great care.
Love it! Great styling.
Love it! Great styling.
Love it! Great styling.
Great editorial!!! But I'm wondering why some photo is missing from the Volt Man I have. Why….
Great editorial!!! But I'm wondering why some photo is missing from the Volt Man I have. Why….
Great editorial!!! But I'm wondering why some photo is missing from the Volt Man I have. Why….
robbie looks dull in this new hair cut.
robbie looks dull in this new hair cut.
robbie looks dull in this new hair cut.
An outtake perhaps
An outtake perhaps
An outtake perhaps
blasphemy…robbie is never dull!
blasphemy…robbie is never dull!
blasphemy…robbie is never dull!
very weird but cool "hat"~
very weird but cool "hat"~
very weird but cool "hat"~