Sascha Has Amazing Hair

The Fashionisto


Published March 21, 2015

Windswept, Sascha's hair is all over the place for this amazing photo.Pin
Windswept, Sascha’s hair is all over the place for this amazing photo.

Photographer Florian Grey unveils an amazing new portrait series featuring IZAIO model Sascha M. Captured on a windy day in Berlin, Sascha is pictured with windswept hair and an impressive beard and mustache. Complemented with a relaxed wardrobe, Sascha models pieces from Weekday, H&M, ASOS, Eddie Bauer and Fossil.

Sascha poses in a relaxed, pre-wrinkled tee.Pin
Sascha poses in a relaxed, pre-wrinkled tee.

Sascha captured in a black & white close-up.Pin
Sascha captured in a black & white close-up.
Sascha is casual in a printed button-down.Pin
Sascha is casual in a printed button-down.

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