Scosha NYC: The Commandment is In

The Fashionisto


Published November 20, 2008

shit camp shotPin

Necklaces are the perfect compliment to any simple, refined, and easy going look; especially when light weight layers create that perfect “V” (ex: Hyden Yoo red cardigan fit).  Taking it literal or in fun, I love these necklaces by Scosha NYC that are engraved with “Thou Shall Not Talk Shit”.


“Isn’t it inspiring when people get their shit together and do more than “talk the talk”?
People that are always putting their talk into action.

For some people, it’s all talk and no action – it drives you crazy right?
Do you, or someone you know, need to do more of the “walk” than all the “talk”?

If so, look no further!

Scosha’s Thou Shall Not Talk Shit Jewelry for men and women will be a little reminder for all to follow through with the things you swear by and goals you want to achieve.
A push in the right direction is a perfectly fun Holiday gift for shit talkers and for people that are on the right track and take pride in their achievements.

With 2009 approaching, it’s time to turn talk, into action!” [Scosha NYC]

Pictures from Scosha NYC


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