Introducing Fresh Face Senna

The Fashionisto


Published March 10, 2015

Senna offers a unique flair with his teeth gap.Pin
Senna offers a unique flair with his teeth gap.

Fashion photographer Suzana Holtgrave introduces us to Viva Berlin fresh face Senna van Plateringen. The Dutch 18 year-old was introduced to modeling after his friends suggested he would be the perfect candidate. With a gap toothed edge, Senna exudes a boyish charm as he poses for studio images by Holtgrave.

Embracing a young edge, Senna wears a slim-cut biker jacket with a dress shirt and skinny tie.Pin
Embracing a young edge, Senna wears a slim-cut biker jacket with a dress shirt and skinny tie.

Senna serves up a quirky angle.Pin
Senna serves up a quirky angle.
Future Star: Senna models a cheeky star print blazer with coordinating trousers.Pin
Future Star: Senna models a cheeky star print blazer with coordinating trousers.
Senna gets rebellious with a reptile print.Pin
Senna gets rebellious with a reptile print.

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