Sergei Polunin Connects with Rankin for Hunger TV

The Fashionisto


Published June 14, 2018

Sergei Polunin stars in a video for Hunger TV.Pin
Sergei Polunin stars in a video for Hunger TV.

Making a global splash in Hozier’s music video for Take Me to Church, no one can forget how mesmerizing Sergei Polunin is in motion. Lucky for us, the Ukrainian dancer has a new video project. Polunin links up with photographer Rankin for a video. Shot for Hunger TV, the project takes the form of a music video. Polunin is captivating as he performs to Tempo by the alt-rock group Husky Loops.

Related: Sergei Polunin Covers Another Man, Rocks Leather Fashions

Discussing the experience, Rankin shares, I love working with Sergei because he gives his all to everything he does. He continues, He choreographed the dance, worked with me on the concept, and I feel like we both did what we wanted to do, which in the creative industry is actually pretty rare.

Behind the Scenes: Sergei Polunin for Hunger TV

Neil Bennett (Rankin's Studio) photographs behind the scenes images of Sergei Polunin for Hunger TV.Pin
Neil Bennett (Rankin’s Studio) photographs behind the scenes images of Sergei Polunin for Hunger TV.
Dancer Sergei Polunin on set for his Hunger TV video.Pin
Dancer Sergei Polunin on set for his Hunger TV video.

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