Jerusalem Sandals Taps Zackary Peck for Summer Outing


The Fashionisto


Published August 2, 2017

Zackary Peck stars in a summer campaign for Jerusalem Sandals.Pin
Zackary Peck stars in a summer campaign for Jerusalem Sandals.

Jerusalem Sandals Summer 2017 Campaign

Jerusalem Sandals heads to Malibu, California for its new campaign. The brand showcases its leather sandals with the help of photographer Rodney Ray. Collaborating with stylists Peer Osegueda and Shinko Lura, Ray captures Zackary Peck. Zack’s not only the grandson of actor Gregory Peckir?source=bk&t=thefashi 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=c50862b4827e9112ee3338efad200565& cb=1501714831590, but the cousin of Ethan, who’s no stranger to fashion. The latter has previously starred in campaigns for the likes of Mr Porter. Stretching his own fashion chops, Zack stars in Jerusalem Sandals’ campaign, alongside Inga Krohn.

Related: Ethan Peck Poses for Maxim, Talks Grandfather Gregory Peck

Jerusalem Sandals enlists Inga Krohn and Zachary Peck as the faces of its new campaign.Pin
Jerusalem Sandals enlists Inga Krohn and Zachary Peck as the faces of its new campaign.

Inga Krohn and Zachary Peck show off the leather styles of Jerusalem Sandals.Pin
Inga Krohn and Zachary Peck show off the leather styles of Jerusalem Sandals.

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