What is a Spornosexual? Meet the Evolved Metrosexual

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Introducing the Spornosexual–20 years ago, Mark Simpson coined the term metrosexual, which referred to guys such as David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo, who took a special interest in their personal grooming and style. Now he is back with an article for the Telegraph. Examining the change of mainstream and a new focus on social media, Simpson finds it necessity to coin a new term, the spornosexual. Citing a renewed interest in grooming and going to the gym, Simpson brings attention to the sex and body obsessed spornosexual.

Simpson explains, “From the perspective of today’s fragranced, buffed, ripped, groomed, selfie-adoring world, it’s hard to believe that the metrosexual had to struggle to be heard in the early 1990s. Most people were in “New-Lad” denial back then about what was happening to men and why they were taking so long in the bathroom.” The new word spornosexual is a combination of sports and porn, indicating the sport of working out and the end game of objectification–and here the media would have you believing only women are objectified. Some guys are doing it themselves! Simpson adds “Glossy magazines cultivated early metrosexuality. Celebrity culture then sent it into orbit. But for today’s generation, social media, selfies and porn are the major vectors of the male desire to be desired. They want to be wanted for their bodies, not their wardrobe. And certainly not their minds.”

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